Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adventures in Apartment Hunting

All of those cliches about finding an apartment in New York are so irritatingly true!

Craigslist is a labrynth of listings. I especially love the trick where the EXACT SAME APARTMENT is listed three times in one day, each time with a slightly different description. I have found a few possible places, both of which were promptly rented out from under me before I had a chance to see them.

Hey, it's life. It's part of living in New York and I accept that. No one is twisting my arm, I don't HAVE to live here. But I want to - I really, really want to.

I passed an Indian textile and gift shop this evening and stopped in for a bit. The owner boasted that she had over 200 Buddha figurines for sale. She enthusiastically pointed out which ones were lucky for business and love and health. I found myself wondering, "Which is the Apartment Finding Buddha?"


Unknown said...

Try ! It'll keep you a little bit sane through the process...hopefully :)

ertennyson said...

Thanks! That's really helpful.