Monday, April 5, 2010


I haven't posted anything (original) up here in months. Mostly because I didn't think I was up to anything sufficiently extraordinary.

Then tonight, while looking up an old post about my limited knowledge of Korean, I discovered that some people are still reading (as recently as January?!).

Well, internet, hey! It's been awhile. I took a super long vacation from you - now I live away from California again, and consequently have rediscovered (wasting time) facebook, skype, etc. etc.

So here I am. Still adventuring - only now my adventures are of the domestic travel and job-seeking sort. I live in Brooklyn. I sell books - for now. I'm a walking cliche and I have embraced that. If you have a problem with it, then I will sick the hipsters on you. (Because there are a lot of them, and they can be nasty when they're not busy being cooler than you.)