Friday, September 17, 2010

Back on the grid

Thank you to the Verizon installation guy. I'm posting courtesy of Mullen's and my very own wifi!!!

Hello TV and internet - I missed you, old friends.

More adventures to come soon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adventures in Apartment Hunting

All of those cliches about finding an apartment in New York are so irritatingly true!

Craigslist is a labrynth of listings. I especially love the trick where the EXACT SAME APARTMENT is listed three times in one day, each time with a slightly different description. I have found a few possible places, both of which were promptly rented out from under me before I had a chance to see them.

Hey, it's life. It's part of living in New York and I accept that. No one is twisting my arm, I don't HAVE to live here. But I want to - I really, really want to.

I passed an Indian textile and gift shop this evening and stopped in for a bit. The owner boasted that she had over 200 Buddha figurines for sale. She enthusiastically pointed out which ones were lucky for business and love and health. I found myself wondering, "Which is the Apartment Finding Buddha?"

Monday, April 5, 2010


I haven't posted anything (original) up here in months. Mostly because I didn't think I was up to anything sufficiently extraordinary.

Then tonight, while looking up an old post about my limited knowledge of Korean, I discovered that some people are still reading (as recently as January?!).

Well, internet, hey! It's been awhile. I took a super long vacation from you - now I live away from California again, and consequently have rediscovered (wasting time) facebook, skype, etc. etc.

So here I am. Still adventuring - only now my adventures are of the domestic travel and job-seeking sort. I live in Brooklyn. I sell books - for now. I'm a walking cliche and I have embraced that. If you have a problem with it, then I will sick the hipsters on you. (Because there are a lot of them, and they can be nasty when they're not busy being cooler than you.)