You never would have guessed it ... but the place to be on St. Patty's Day, outside of Dublin or Donegal, maybe, is Seoul, South Korea! The Koreans hosted a spectacular prade and festival downtown that was organized by the Irish Association of Korea and the Wolfhound Pub. There was plenty of food, drink, and dance - and of course lots o' green. Andrea and I made it to the party and met up with a bunch of people from our notorious Lunar New Year trip. We enjoyed the afternoon, and made friends with the most awesome woman in Korea. This crazy ajumma (or, old woman.. basically) joined our group and danced, and DRANK the day away. She didn't speak any English, but that didn't stop her! She actually force-fed us Korean cookies. I can't say that having Korean old lady hands in/anywhere near my mouth was on my life-list, but I can check it off none the less. After dinner at a Thai place (we didn't want to wait anywhere else) courtesy of Richard (Thanks again!!) we all headed over to the Wolfhound where the party was just getting started. We met up with Kirsten and Liz, their co-worker Leah, and were later joined by Carla, and some other mutual expat friends. Basically, one way or another, nearly every person who I know in Korea was in this bar, AT THE SAME TIME! The whole day/night was a lot of fun. I had been looking forward to St. Patrick's Day because it really is one of my favorite holidays. Themed Parties aside, a day that promotes just being happy and friendly for the sake of it is all good in my book! And I felt so lucky to be spending it, with my fellow CUA alums, and a mess of new friends; in -of all places- Korea. What is my life!?
Erin Go Braugh! and Happy Holy Week.
The Cheonggyecheon is a stream that runs through Seoul. It has a gorgeous walking path with a bunch of fountains, murals etc. Cheonggyecheon Plaza is where the stream starts.
From across the street as the festival died down... There were banners all over showing the Korean and Irish flags. Actually, I think my friends stole one.
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