Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Dark Knight

PS: If you know me then you know how excited I am for the next Batman movie. Batman is by far my favorite (and the best) super hero, and I have been a fan of Christian Bale for as long as I can remember. (Newsies, anyone??) On top of that, The Dark Knight looks like it's going to be an amazing movie. I love the direction that Christopher Nolan has taken the franchise in and I'm eager to see what he does next. At the end of 'Batman Begins' we were left with a teaser of the next installment, when GORDON (thanks Matt) lets the caped crusader know that Gotham's latest villain seems to have followed his lead by creating a theatrical alter ego and leaving a calling card... The Joker. (Only one of the best villains ever!)

Now any Batman fan could be nervous by this ambitious move, because who can ever come close to Jack Nicholson's brilliant performance? I've always had faith in the casting of Heath Ledger (his mouth is gigantic, so he's got the creepy smile down), and I've only grown more confident in his performance as previews of the movie have come out. But after reading the following, not only do I admire Heath Ledger even more, but I am positive, if nothing else, fans will not be disappointed by a "poor man's Nicholson"-like performance:

The Joker's character is based on his first two appearances in the comic books, as well as his portrayal in the graphic novel "The Killing Joke." To prepare for the role, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month researching the character and developing his performance, which he claims is based upon Sid Vicious and the character of Alex in A Clockwork Orange (1971). Ledger found the role extremely difficult, and suffered insomnia as a result.

Wow. Major dedication. I bet he does a really good job. How can you NOT be excited?!


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is awesome, and I am excited....BUT it was future Commissioner Gordon who gave him the calling card and NOT Harvey "Two-Face" Dent! Rookie. You don't know what it means to walk into the barrel of a gun and have blood pour out before it fires.

ertennyson said...

AHHHHHH I can't believe I did that !!! It was really late at night.. I suck! I am fixing it .. now.

Unknown said...

You are both dorks, but, Erica, your original post was very informative and really makes me want to see the movie more than before. I didn't know that about Heath Ledger. We saw the first 6 minutes of the movie when we went to see I Am Legend and it looks really good!

Unknown said...

Wait just a second! I just looked at the link to Newsies you have up and it was directed by Kenny Ortega--the guy who did all the High School Musical movies and is doing Hannah Montana's new movie (sad that I know that)

ertennyson said...

Of course, Kenny Ortega was the brains behind Newsies! lol, Are you at all surprised about that?

CSmith said...

Thanks for reminding me to look up the new trailer! I got so excited watching it that afterwards I got in a fight with a kid at Spencer Gifts in DE over Heath. Like a FIGHT. :-D

Matt said...

Yes, Rita, we are the dorks because we liked the Batman cartoon as children. Everyone knows the cool kids know who is the brains behind the High School Musical Movies and the Hannah Montana Movie!

Unknown said...

Heath Ledger is dead. So sad.

ertennyson said...

I KNOW! I can't believe it.. he was so talented.