Tuesday, November 6, 2007

NFL and The Dodgers

This past Sunday in Minnesota the Chargers FOLDED to the freaking Vikings. Antonio Gates and LT were essentially eliminated from the game and we lost 35-17. .... and I bothered to wake up to watch the game live online at 3am. And then of course there was that other big game this weekend between New England and Indianapolis. A quarterback I hate with a team I'm indifferent to, or a team I don't like and a quarterback I respect .... who to root for? I opted for the best of both worlds and rooted for the defense. I just hope that Indy isn't so pissed that they come to San Diego and beat us next week --- Next Sunday the Chargers better show up, that's all.

ALSO - My Dodgers have been making headlines with the signing of their new manager Joe Torre. While people seem to be either loving or hating it, I am simply pleased. You could tell at the end last season that Grady didn't really have his heart in managing any more, never mind he hadn't had his head in it for years. So while he quietly retired the Dodgers snapped up Joe Torre weeks after the Yankees let him go (although if Joe Girardi hadn't gotten the job with the Bronx Bombers I feel that he might have been donning the Dodger Blue today instead.) Torre brings with him bench coaches Don Mattingly and Larry Bowa which means that this is just the first of probably many changes to come before next season. Of course I'll be here, but I am sure I'll keep up - and I will get home just in time to see the Dodgers in the playoff!!


Quan Solo said...

Following your local sports team and being out of market is no fun. Thank goodness for the internet.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to Mike. He's a 49'ers fan, plus he's just bitter that he's no more than a bandwagon Sox fan like all the other bandwagon Sox fans that don't live in Boston.

Quan Solo said...

Matt's just bitter because anything he roots for dies a slow horrible death.

ertennyson said...

Hey now!! I root for the same temas as Matt! And Mike you can't complain about being out of market because ESPN (the East coast SPorts Network) is always having a love-fest w/ New England sports teams.

ertennyson said...

teams* not temas...