Thursday, October 11, 2007

How the mighty have fallen.

The following is taken from a joint interview Michael Cain and Jude Law did for MTV promoting the upcoming release of their remake of Sleuth. Law is playing the same role Cain created in the 1972 original.

MTV: When you look at Jude's career, does it remind you of your own?

Caine: It's all a different ballgame for everybody. You do what you do, and that's it. I always said, when I'm an old man I want to sit there regretting the things I did, not the things I didn't do, because it's terrible to sit back and think, "If only I had done that, I wonder what would have happened." Well I did it all, and I know what happened. [He laughs.]

MTV: How is it that I have two of the most notable English actors working today and neither of you have appeared in a "Harry Potter" film?

Caine: Nobody asked me.

Law: Yeah, nobody asked me either. We're running out quick, aren't we?

Caine: It's not my sort of film anyway.

MTV: They've never approached you, Jude?

Law: No. I was a bit old for Harry.

Caine: I haven't read the books. I haven't seen the films. They're children's films. I don't watch children's films.

I just lost some of my respect for Michael Cain. (Even if he IS Alfred opposite Christian Bale.) Oh you don't DO children's films? And for whom, may I ask Mr. Cain, did you make The Muppet Chirstmas Carol for? Plus, why do people have to be so closed minded about Harry Potter?! Seriously, it's just FUN people. Can't adults have FUN? And right after that whole bit about regrets...

More of China to come this weekend.


1 comment:

CSmith said...

Holy Balls,

I was laughing when I read this interview right up until he said "children's films." BAH.

He's just jealous of Maggie Smith. There goes his chance at playing an Auror!