Thursday, November 29, 2007


So this one time, the class of 2007 made a movie for their Gilbies, and it was awesome.

It's our way of poking fun at how insane a drama major/actor must look to any non-theater person when we play games, warm up or gather in large groups in general. Jen played the role of the outsider, and we played the role of monkeys. (A la Jane Goodald and her apes).

Basically, I get really bored at night in my apartment and live on my computer. Miss you '007s!!! If any of you see this I hope you got a good laugh.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh, Korean Kids

The topic in class today was "Life on a Farm." We talked about raising crops and raising animals. and the difference between the two. Then when I asked them to name some livestock animals; they answer.. "Chicken. Cow. Sheep. .... Dog."

Monday, November 26, 2007


The title of this post is inspired by those AWESOME snickers ads. I think they're hysterical!

So, a belated Happy Thanksgiving and an early Happy Holidays to all of you! Naturally, as any American expat would be I was more than a little homesick last Thursday. But that's no reason to forget about what is truly one of my favorite holidays! The usual suspects (meaning Andrea, Jen, Dean, Kirsten and Liz) and I were able to get together and celebrate what turned out to be a really enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner. A bar in Itaewon called Geckos hosted a buffet dinner + one drink for 35,000 won - which is about $35-$40. They had some sort of yummy tomato dish, salad, pasta, two kinds of soup, salmon, cranberry sauce (not from a can either!) grilled chicken, pot roast, roast beef, AND - of course - turkey, stuffing and lots of gravy. There wasn't any pumpkin pie; but beggars can't be choosers! I ATE SO MUCH!!!! I couldn't help myself. I think I probably ate more than I would have at home even. Most important though, was that we were all in good company, eating a hearty meal and sharing a lot of laughs last week. Which is really what Thanksgiving is all about, right?

I still miss everyone from home of course, but it's not long till we are all going home for an all too short, and much needed break for Christmas. We've even all started our Christmas shopping ... shh!


Monday, November 19, 2007


Just one more tiny update before I go to bed... IT'S SNOWING! I guess it's officially winter... grrreeeeaat... :-$

15 years later

As inspired by Jen's recent facebook note, I have decided to make a list of things in my life that are the same now, as they were in 1992 when I was 7.

I still...

...admire my older siblings and aspire to be like them more than anyone I know.
...never bother to clean my room.
...sleep with my stuffed animals.
...close my eyes when I brush my teeth.
...wonder if I am as important to others as they are to me.
...want to be the person someone depends on. shitty at painting my nails (but love to do it).
...have my ears pierced.
...pick at annoying scabs on my ankles (so gross, I know).
...have a really hard time saying goodbyes before I am ready (Mom you'll love that one). too much.
...cry at the end of The Little Mermaid.
...find joy in the miracle of my faith (although I wouldn't have been able to tell you why as well then).
...fear judgment when going to confession. (I lied the first time I went b/c I didn't think I had enough sins!)
...think too much about the past and future and not enough about the present. Newsies (it came out in April 92 haha!). cartoons. indecisive.
...enjoy going out to a movie, or getting dressed up tp go to dinner and/or the theater. VERY ticklish.
...look forward to donuts after church. to go to Disneyland.
..."ooh" and "ahh" at fireworks.
...think my Daddy is invincible. my dad Daddy. haha.
...get giddy from Halloween through the Epiphany (Jan 6th).
...count how many Valentines I get and compare with my neighbor. to dance and to be on stage.
...want to be an actress when I grow up.
...LOVE my family and my friends.

What about you?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

And the Days Go By

The work weeks are so jam packed here that the weeks are really starting to fly by! I guess that's a good thing - but it's sort of alarming too! I need to make sure I don't let time get away from me.

For those of you who asked our girls' weekend away from Seoul was great! We ate a lot of junk food, did a bit of hiking and hit up the hot spring that was in our hotel. Let's just say that was an interesting experience and leave it at that, ;-). We spent most of our time in a town called Suanbo and were clearly the only white people for MILES! When we went hiking a few kids we passed seemed really excited to see us, and as soon as we passed them ran after us down the road. The views were really pretty and we were lucky to get a gorgeous sunset. We met friendly people all weekend and had a lot of laughs. Aside from a 4 hour bus road home through traffic, the whole trip was quite relaxing.

The plan from now till Christmas is to try and take it easy. I want to save up my money to bring it home and I need to do my Christmas shopping! I am anxious to get home for Christmas - it's only six weeks away! Can you believe it? I feel like I have been here for so much longer than two months - it's weird to think I still have 10 to go! If you have a minute - check out Andrea's blog this week - it's very good!!

Love to everyone at home - I think about you all the time!!


Friday, November 9, 2007

Girls' WEEKEND Out and Happy Birdog to Carla :)

-The Birdog is for you CUA kids. Miss you!-

I'm headed out of the city for the weekend! Carla, one of Andrea's coworkers, has invited us to go to Cheongju for a girl's weekend to celebrate her birthday. From what I have heard, Cheongju is in the "lake district" in Korea and fall is supposed to be the best time to visit. The plan is kind of up in the air, but I think we might hit up a hot spring while we're there... ?! Anyway, have a good weekend - I'm off!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

NFL and The Dodgers

This past Sunday in Minnesota the Chargers FOLDED to the freaking Vikings. Antonio Gates and LT were essentially eliminated from the game and we lost 35-17. .... and I bothered to wake up to watch the game live online at 3am. And then of course there was that other big game this weekend between New England and Indianapolis. A quarterback I hate with a team I'm indifferent to, or a team I don't like and a quarterback I respect .... who to root for? I opted for the best of both worlds and rooted for the defense. I just hope that Indy isn't so pissed that they come to San Diego and beat us next week --- Next Sunday the Chargers better show up, that's all.

ALSO - My Dodgers have been making headlines with the signing of their new manager Joe Torre. While people seem to be either loving or hating it, I am simply pleased. You could tell at the end last season that Grady didn't really have his heart in managing any more, never mind he hadn't had his head in it for years. So while he quietly retired the Dodgers snapped up Joe Torre weeks after the Yankees let him go (although if Joe Girardi hadn't gotten the job with the Bronx Bombers I feel that he might have been donning the Dodger Blue today instead.) Torre brings with him bench coaches Don Mattingly and Larry Bowa which means that this is just the first of probably many changes to come before next season. Of course I'll be here, but I am sure I'll keep up - and I will get home just in time to see the Dodgers in the playoff!!